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Creating New Treatment Plan - Workflows | Healcon Practice Software For Doctors



This article covers following topics related to ' Creating New Treatment Plan ' workflow in healcon practice  : 

How to reach 'Clinic EMR' module in healcon practice software ?

How to reach treatment sub-module within 'Clinic EMR' ?

How to add new treatment plan for a particular patient ? 

Where to find recently added new treatment plan record in 'Clinic EMR' ?

What are the different components of 'Treatment' sub-module in 'Clinic EMR'


How to reach 'Clinic EMR' module in healcon practice software ?

Click on the 'Clinic EMR' link from left menu to reach clinic emr module as shown in the screenshot below : 



How to reach treatment sub-module within 'Clinic EMR' ?

Once you reach clinic EMR, please click on the 'Treatment' tab on the top as shown in the screenshot below : 




How to add new treatment plan for a particular patient ? 

In order to add new treatment plan for any existing patient of the clinic, please click on the green '+Add Treatment Plan' button as shown in the screenshot below : 


 This will open a pop-up layer to add new treatment plan . Next do following steps as shown in the screenshot below  : 

1. Select patient by typing initial letters of the patient name and selecting the patient.

2. Select Doctor for whom you are writing the treatment plan. Incase you are logged-in as doctor then this will be populated by your name by default .

3. Click 'Go' to start adding treatments . 


 4. Now select a treatment from the treatment drop-down as shown in the screenshot below : ( list here is populated from your treatment catalogue)


Incase treatment you want to add is not present in the dropdown list then click blue color '+Add New Treatment' link from the dropdown to populate your treatment catalogue . This will open a form to add treatment in your treatment catalogue (It is a good practice to add all your frequent treatments using this form so that same can be populated in the dropdown list and used in future) . Screenshot below is the form to add your most used treatments to the treatment catalogue : 



 5. Once treatment is selected from step-4 , you can schedule appointment for the treatment by clicking on date-time as shown in the screenshot below . By default it will add new appointment with current date-time but this can be changed by clicking on the appointment data-time as highlighted in the screenshot below :


 Click on appointment data-time will you give you two options as shown in the screenshot below : 

a. Select one of the pre-scheduled appointment with this patient.

b. Customise the date time of the appointment . 



Please refer to the screenshot below for steps 6,7,8,9 to fill following details : 


6. Description : Click this field to add small note related to the treatment for your future reference .

7. Incase you are a dentist then it will give you option to add dental chart details . Click '+Teeth', this will open tooth map, here you can select the teeth number and then close the layer by clicking 'X' icon on top-right of the layer after you have made your selection  .

8. Edit Unit/Price/Discount/Tax etc details .

9. 'X' cross icon can be clicked incase you want to remove the complete row .

 10. To add more treatments to the treatment plan, you can click on the 'Add Treatment'  drop down to select another treatment as shown with point-10 in the screenshot below. In this manner you can add any number of treatments as you need in this treatment plan : 


Please refer to the screenshot below for step 11,12  :  


11. Once you have added all the treatments , then you can simply click on the 'Save' button to save this treatment plan . This will add treatment plan and also automatically schedule appointments corresponding to all the treatments in the treatment plan for this patient . (refer to screenshot above) . 

12.  Incase you want to save this treatment plan and also generate bill along with it then rather than clicking 'Save' , you can click on 'Save & Add Bill'. This action will do everything described in point-11 plus it will also open the billing form with all required details of treatment populated so that you can quickly generate bill against this treatment plan and also register full or partial payment against the bill . 



Where to find recently added new treatment plan record in 'Clinic EMR' ?

Once you have saved your treatment plan by following steps in previous section, the recently added treatment plan will be visible as a new row as shown in the screenshot below highlighted as point-13.


In this row you can also achieve following tasks : 

a. All treatments will show as 'Pending' in the treatment plan . Once the treatment is done, you can mark it complete by clicking on 'Mark Complete' blue link (check this link in the screenshot below)

b. Incase bill has not been generated against any treatment then it will show as 'UnBilled' and you can click on the 'Add Bill' blue link to generate bill for this treatment .

c. 'Action' button at the extreme right of treatment plan row can be clicked to view/edit/print/email/delete a treatment plan .



What are the different components of 'Treatment' sub-module in 'Clinic EMR'

 Please check screenshot below which shows how to reach different sub-modules of the clinic EMR . We will refer to the numbers mentioned in red circle to refer this screenshot .  


(Point Number below can be matched with the numbers in red circle in the screenshot above to help you understand it better )

1. Treatment Tab : Click this to reach treatment plan section of the EMR .

2. Filter Patient : Select patient name here to see all the past treatment plan of that patient in reverse chronological order . 

3. Treatment Plan Rows : Treatment plan of all the patients of the clinic are shown in a row in reverse chronological order ie latest one on the top . Each treatment plan row may or may not contain multiple treatments depending on how treatment plan was created .

4. Treatment Status : Treatment status can be 'Pending' or 'Complete' . By default treatments are added as 'Pending' unless marked complete using the blue link below it .

5. Bill Status : Bill status can be 'Billed' or 'Unbilled' depending on whether a bill has been generated against the treatment plan or not . Blue link below the status can be used to 'Add Bill' against the treatment .

6. 'Action' Button : Action button can be used to take quick actions like view/edit/print/email/delete treatment plan .


7. Add New Treatment Plan : Green color '+Add Treatment Plan' button on the top-right can be used to add new treatment plan . 

8. Pending Treatments : Right panel on this interface gives you list of all the recently added treatments which have not been marked as complete yet. This is helpful to discover any treatment which has not been complete so that accurate action can be taken accordingly .

9. Upcoming Treatment : Second widget in the right panel gives list of upcoming treatments of the clinic .



Healcon Practice Workflow is divided into following sections :



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