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Step 4 : Know your interfaces & modules | Getting Started Guide | Healcon Practice

Healcon Practice 'Getting Started Guide' is divided into following sections and in this article we will talk about Step-4 : Know your interfaces & modules' in healcon practice management software .


 This article covers 'Step 4 :Know your interfaces & modules' of  ' Getting Started Guide ' with healcon practice management software . In this section we are providing you with pointers to the tutorials which will help you understand most important interfaces,modules,screens in healcon practice . Here are the link to tutorials : 

Please go through each of the above tutorials in detail. This will help you understand various modules,screens,interfaces of healcon practice management better and you will be able to make improve your day to day efficiencies while practicing on the cloud .

Healcon Practice 'Getting Started Guide' is divided into following sections and in this article we talked about 'Step-4 : Know your interfaces & modules ' in healcon practice management software .

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